Photo: Graham Mansfield/Unsplash

Seven little things that will make a man fall in love with you even more

It's the little things that put a smile on his face. The ones with which you sit in his heart. The ones that grow into love.

Many people think that falling in love is a feeling that passes, but it doesn't have to be that way. A man can eventually fall even more in love with a woman than he was at the beginning of the relationship. And what does it depend on?

We reveal seven little things that will make him fall in love with you even more.

1. Every time you make him laugh

If you can make a woman laugh, you can expect anything from her, Marilyn Monroe once said. The same goes for men. When you manage to make him smile, it's the best thing you can do for him. Especially if this man is your partner, because it will make him fall in love with you even more.

2. When you fall asleep on his shoulder

This does not happen often, and therefore this act carries a special romance and tenderness. Seeing your partner sleeping peacefully on your shoulder is a particularly pleasant feeling for a man that he wants to hold onto...as well as you!


3. When he wakes up next to you and realizes how happy he is

Men do this more often than you think, but they will never admit it. The next time you wake up and see your partner looking at you, he's probably thinking just this: "How lucky I am to wake up to a woman like you!"

4. When you spend the day in bed together for the first time

When you spend 24 hours together and you are not bored, this is a sign that you have most likely found your life partner. It may also be the moment when a man first realizes that he is in love with you.


5. When he sees you again after a long absence

Whether you're on a business trip, visiting relatives, or you're apart for some other reason, your absence will make him feel like he's missing something. He will start missing you a lot and fall in love with you even more.


6. You are always there for him when he needs you

Whether it's problems at work or something else, a man will appreciate you being with him. He may not directly ask you for help, but your presence will mean a lot to him. Even if you don't understand why, it doesn't matter. Your support is important to him.

7. After your first fight

Most couples experience a moment when they realize that it will take some effort to make the relationship work. And this moment often comes after a major argument. No argument is pleasant, but the response to it is important. Are you ready to talk or are you wrapped up in silence? Communication is the foundation of a relationship and most men want to end disagreements as soon as possible. If you two talk in a calm way, it will deepen his feelings for you even more.


So, dear women, as well as men - never forget the little things with which you can win over your partner every day.

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