
Sex, greed and beer and other things you SP-watched.

The World Cup creates so many different stories every day that sometimes it's hard to find the funniest, saddest and most shocking ones. They are like things in a woman's purse, we know they are there, but they are hard to find. And that's exactly what we found.

Even if you missed it director's cut version (read witness the story), these pieces will be good as a piece of chocolate bar. Even if you haven't eaten the whole thing, you've consumed all of its quality, and it will be the same with these bits of the story. Hers crème de la crème.

When the ban on sex backfired

Sex and football. Both are more than just a game.
Sex and football. Both are more than just a game.

Quite a few national teams were there for the duration of the World Cup forbidden indulgence in carnal pleasures, with the aim of keeping them focused solely on the game on the football pitch and not the game between the sheets. A ban on sex with an exception Costa Rica (this one lasted until the elimination fights) didn't really help anyone, because that's how it is Mexico, Nigeria as Bosnia and Herzegovina already packed her bags. Interestingly, Brazilian footballers were not banned from having sex, but they were banned from orgies. Maybe that's why the game didn't work for them and didn't run until the quarter-finals (when coach Scolari decided on a different psychological approach) and because of the slowing down of passion outside the field, the farewell from the championship almost came too soon. "That's what she said" ("That's what she said"). But if they knew what was waiting for them against Germany, they might have preferred to sign a defeat against Colombia today.

The greed of the Ghana national team is the basis for a Hollywood movie

No, their money request was not a mirage!
No, their money request was not a mirage!

Africa returns from this World Cup with mixed feelings. On one side, Algeria and Nigeria, who made it to the top 16 and offered decent resistance in the knockout stages, on the other Cameroon, which buckles more and more under the load setting results, and extortionate and equally unsuccessful as a result Ghana. She returned home promptly, even though she shook the pants of the Germans, but she could have done so even more promptly, as she threatened to boycott the match if the state did not pay her bonuses in cash before the match. The president himself, who was struggling in an impoverished country, had to intervene 3 million dollars and sent them not to the players' accounts, but to the plane to Brazil. The movie will probably be talking about a courier who, for a little more drama, will be 'instigated' some tragic African story, who in a battle against time travels to the land of samba and in the stadium tunnel like the Greek soldier Philippides he delivers the news about the victory of the Greeks over the Persians just before the referee's whistle bags of money to his footballers. And a legend was born.

When the 11-meter also gets its extra time (Argentina vs. Netherlands)

Ron Vlaar he had a fantastic 120 minutes behind him and his game still lacked dot on I. Or the ball on the i, however you like. When it was 1 on 1 s Sergio Romero should have just finished the deal with the 11-meter, but he had the Argentinian keeper of the net different plans. And as if the extra time of the match was not enough, this match within the match also got its own. As the ball bounced off Romero's legs and bounced off the field, the rotation sent it rolling back toward the goal line. Romero was too busy celebrating to notice, but to the spectators in the stadium and in front of the television screens, held his breath. Unfortunately for the Dutchman, the ball ran out of breath just before the end (it got stuck in the 'channel'), which meant that instead of the ball on i, the game crowned only with the ball on the line. And if there is any doubt among the fans about whether it was a goal or not, it has been cleared up video, but there was no doubt that Romero did before the match homework (of which he testifies this one a shot where the Argentinian looks on cheat sheet by analyzing the player's shooting history from the penalty spot). So with one 11-meter shot, we 'd-killed' two birds with one stone (read lesson). First: do not praise the day before the night, and second: the role of homework is not only for children they make life bitter.

Suarez's bottle opener is going like hot cakes in Brazil

With Suarez, it's not good to have cherries on the pitch. Outside the field, however, it comes in handy.
With Suarez, it's not good to have cherries on the pitch. Outside the field, however, it comes in handy.

Football and beer are cows grazed together, so it's no wonder that Suarez, sorry, unique bottle opener, stuck as well as Giorgio Chiellini's Suarez teeth. He was officially named "Suarez's Teeth" ("Suarez's teeth") and you can bite into a beer bottle with them without fear of forbidden to drink beer next four months or skip nine rounds. The idea of the opener is new, since it was the first one, packed in keychain, already produced last year in England, which already made his 'virgin' bite into the body of Branislav Ivanović a the immortal.

Reception of players in their homeland: from euphoria to humiliation

Algeria, Greece and Colombia greeted their footballers as world champions, as football gods. Also Theofanis Gekasa, who missed the 11-meter penalty that cost the Greeks the quarter-finals, the home team welcomed football Olympus. People flooded the streets and poured at least that much on their representatives pride, as they poured themselves on the field sweat. It was a completely different picture in England, where the representatives were only welcomed by their closest relatives. Looks like it does the cradle of football eats its own children. Maybe the pilot just missed the homeland.

All for one and one for all. England apparently takes this saying too literally. One national team, one fan.
All for one and one for all. England apparently takes this saying too literally. One national team, one fan.

Colombia declared the day of the match with Brazil a national holiday

Football is real the most important side thing in life, otherwise the world wouldn't stop for him from time to time. Back in the olden days, when England was still a football superpower, there was a heated debate about whether (important) matches should also be played on weekdays. Financial Times found that today it is more than 2.5 billion euros a heavy blow to the economy, to which early departures from work, sick leave and watching the match while at work contribute their toll. If no verdict has yet been given in England or he's taking a day off on big game day or not, you are Colombian President he didn't work with the stats and just cut through Gordian knot and declared Friday, the day of the match with Brazil, a public holiday.

Read more: Gooooool!!! Which fans cheer their national team 'loudest' on Facebook?

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