
Sexuality: 13 mistakes you're not even aware of

Photo: Envato

Are you interested in what they are? Find out what they are and stop repeating them if you want to have an interesting and active sex life.

There are so many different things you can do during sex, and many couples mostly follow the same routine. Tell your partner what you'd like to try and spice things up.

1. Think you should do it just like in the movie

Have realistic expectations and be open to changing scenarios. For example, if you can't maintain an erection for an hour or achieve a vaginal orgasm like in the movie, this can cause self-esteem problems and make sex unattractive.

2. You are uncomfortable talking about sex

Many people are embarrassed, ashamed to talk about sexuality and feel that they cannot talk about it with their partner.

3. You want everything to be yours

Too many people assume that their partners will automatically enjoy sex the same way they do. Take the time to talk about your wishes and expectations. Even if you have been together for many years, your partner's wishes can surprise you.

4. Don't laugh when someone passes gas

Although sex should be passionate, it should also be fun, so don't be afraid to laugh during it. This does not mean making fun of your partner or yourself.

5. You think sex without a climax is no good

The climax should not be the end goal. Experience sexual pleasure in the process of teasing, creating desire, experimenting with different types of touch, playing and more.

6. You think your partner can read minds

It's perfectly acceptable to ask your partner what they want and tell them what you want.

Win him over with directness. Photo: Jan Zhukov / Unsplash

7. Stick to the same poses

It's time for change. Don't be afraid to tell your partner that you want to try something different in bed, and that it doesn't mean you're not happy with your current relationship.

8. Your climax depends solely on your partner

Don't just rely on your partner to help you climax, as this causes unnecessary stress on your partner.

9. You underestimate how important sex is to your partner

A person with a high libido can feel like a victim of deception, and with that romance and passion die. Similarly, a partner with less desire may feel as if they are just a sexual object to their partner. You have to find a way to find a middle ground where you both feel good and where the needs of both partners are met.

10. Rejection of sexual relations

When one partner is in the mood for sex and the other isn't, it can be easy for the former to feel like they're the problem. Don't take it to heart.

11. Use the golden rule during sex

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. The biggest mistake people make is to love themselves the way they want, not the way their partner wants. Ask your partner what they want and be clear about what you want.

Let your skin be your aphrodisiac. Photo: Emiliano Vittoriosi / Unsplash

12. Forget about the largest sexual organ

No, it's not what you think! The largest organ and one that is integral to good sexuality is your skin. The skin has thousands of nerve endings, which allows for almost endless sensations and pleasures. Do your research.

13. Forget what comes after sex

What happens after a relationship is just as important as what happens during it. A short conversation after it can help you increase your emotional connection with your partner.

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