
If she's wondering what they are, you've already lost her!

Photo: Envato

Love is not a one-way street. It's not a game. It's not something you can throw away instantly.

It is mutual respect. It's communication, even when it hurts and words don't want to come out of you. It's not just floating in the clouds and looking through rose-colored glasses. It's accepting mistakes. It's forgiveness. It is an unknown journey that they embark on together without pretense and lies.

And they are people just like he or she is. People who don't care about other people's feelings. The ones who play their game and pretend you mean something to them, who give you hope for love. Those who are only looking for a bunch of fleeting relationships to feed their hungry egos.

You met a person who awakened something in you that you had already forgotten. We will immerse ourselves in the woman's feelings, although they could also be his.

If you ask her if she would go on a date with you, but without a clear intention, when, where - you have already lost her.

If you chat with her, write to her, but in society you behave as if you are casual acquaintances, you have already lost her.

If you tell her you miss her and would like to be with her, but don't do anything to prove it, you've already lost her.

If you're hot one day, cold the next, and sweet the next, you've lost it.

If you don't make an effort to want to be with her and keep changing your plans, you've already lost her.

If you're still showing interest in other women, you've lost her.

Even if you tell her that you like her, that you love her, but your actions don't show it, you've lost her.

You lost a woman who would still believe in you and in being a couple, in you two. The woman who was hoping you'd make up your mind about the two of you—for the two of you. The one who listened and read your inviting words and just closed her eyes so as not to notice your passivity. A woman who locked her heart away for other men who would do anything for her.

She had already forgotten what it was like to be in love and was diving in the clouds and jumping on the stars.
She had already forgotten what it was like to be in love and was diving in the clouds and jumping on the stars.

You have lost a woman who could love and accept you as you are, as no one else may ever accept you.

If only you could make it clear to her what you think of the two of you. If only you would reply to her messages. If only you could show her what is hidden behind your behavior, your vulnerability. Believe me, I would understand you.

She knew that she had forgotten herself, that she had fallen in love - with you. Absolutely. You got under her skin, into her naive heart. She had that special sense of madness with which she danced through the day and daydreamed.

She assumes you don't care about her. She thinks about things she shouldn't even think about. And he's asking questions that shouldn't be questions at all. She is confused. But she realized that she had forgotten herself for a while and that she must never allow herself to do that again.

You may not even realize it, but you have instilled such feelings in her. Inadvertently or intentionally, but no woman ever deserves to be given false hope. No woman deserves mixed signals.

A real man doesn't give her the feeling that he doesn't care, she doesn't wonder what his intentions are with him, because he is honest, open, respectful. A real man doesn't waste her time and emotions.

One day you will realize that you have lost someone who would change your view of love. You have lost true love. Respect. You have lost your true masculinity. You have lost your own game.

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