
Shhhh is the first cavalier among apps to teach smartphones manners

Years ago, the sounds produced by our mobile phones were like in the beginnings of e-mails. Today? Most of them are audio spam. Today, our smartphone advertises for every fig, which in turn affects social interaction, because the firbec always defeats us. With so many apps and programs, it's hard to silence everything at once, and turning off your phone or ignoring it isn't an option. What are we left with? The Shhhh app.

On smartphones something is happening all the time– whether something is updated, whether someone likes our status, sticks something on the wall, there are always new e-mails, and calls, sms, alarms, reminders and many other things that each grabs our attention at any time she wants to. And they want it now! In order to "shut everyone's mouths" at the same time, it was now only possible to achieve an extreme measure, turning off the device or an "eclipse" on social networks, but the arrival of the Shhhh application (currently concept) offers an alternative. It is a tool that silences all notifications and alarms, when you don't want to be disturbed.

Because although us phones connect, they also desocialize us, as they destroy lively conversations and fry our concentration. Shhhh, however, will make sure your loved ones and friends share yours 100% attention. All this because smart devices they have no manners and us throughout they fall into the word and they force us to be absent where we are present, which they skillfully disguise as a sense of importance.

READ MORE: Dorothy - a device that allows you to order a pizza three times in a row by tapping your shoes

Shhhh it's easy on the eyes and it succeeds.
Shhhh it's easy on the eyes and it succeeds.

Shhhh grew from an interjection into an app and became the headquarters for silencing all things "smart" who they advertise something non-stop and they always have something to comment on. Offers custom fit, which means it changes settings selectively and based on who you don't want to disturb you and for how long. Once you have activated the application, it will handle the notifications itself (e.g. in the desired and soft way of notifying where you are and when will you be available again?) and the flow of information so that you can not only be present, but also "in your mind".

Shhhh has no real competition.
Shhhh has no real competition.

In addition, it has the ability to activates itself, when you are in a certain location that you with GPS coordinates marked as a "quiet area" (e.g. college, school, grandma and grandpa's house, etc.).

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