
Strelec Special — when top cuisine recognizes top beer

Shooter Special - Laško Special

Ljubljana Castle hosted one of the greatest gourmet experiences, which served the best of the Slovenian brewing and culinary landscape. In seven courses, the selected company enjoyed exciting creations, a unique range of flavors of special beer and cooking artist Igor Jagodic.

Laško Brewery at the end of 2014, for the successful start of the celebration of the high jubilee, the 190th anniversary, it confirmed its reputation and reputation with the launch of a new brand Laško Special. So far, it is fairly traditional Slovenian with her brewery marked the direction of the market, the result of which is today's rich offer of beer of all kinds for all occasions and for every taste.

Laško Special namely, it offers customized production of specially nurtured types of beer. The starting point is, of course, the same as for every beer from Laško - proverbially excellent ingredients. The changes are in the individual technological phases, but above all in the personal, literally authorized by signature, involvement of Laška brewing experts. In order to give beer the status it deserves, they research traditional processes and create unique combinations. According to the perfected recipe, the beer is then brought to full maturity, glowing color, firm character, noble smell and taste. So far, they have already created 6 prominent representatives of Laško Special.

Culinary specialties were prepared with beer.
Culinary specialties were prepared with beer.
The brand has firmly established itself on the national market, and is also conquering the neighboring ones. Market results, consumer reactions, and last but not least, the operation of the competition show that the direction is right for the wider society, not only the beverage market, to increasingly perceive beer as equivalent to wine. It is becoming a synonym for socializing with good food, even on solemn occasions, as it opens up unsuspected gourmet combinations of food and beer. And one more interesting thing: there is a steady increase in popularity among women, especially the more active, better educated, younger ones.

It's on startup Laško Special drew attention to a hitherto little-known dimension of beer: compatibility with dishes. Among gourmets, recipes in which beer is an important component of culinary delights have a long tradition - from goulash, through meat, vegetable and fish dishes to desserts. Less researched, however, was how the right selection of beer enriches both the taste of the food and the beer, how they come together on a whole new level. With special types of beer, the combination of ingredients, food and drink turns into a limitless gastronomic indulgence.

Beer offers new culinary excesses!
Beer offers new culinary excesses!
This new, culinary dimension is emphasized and strengthened again and again by Laška brewers in cooperation with renowned cooking masters. He has been an ambassador since the very beginning Laško Special chef Marko Pavčnik, and this year he has succeeded in creating an event for gourmets Shooter Special joined Igor Jagodic.

Shooter Special was an evening dedicated to a select group of connoisseurs of authentic flavors. In seven courses, they took a walk with all their senses through signature dishes created from fresh, local produce. Each plate was a work of art in itself, and the icing on the cake was given by a selected type of special beer. In the dish and with it.

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