
A short list of values for all of you who are tired of emotional games

Never forget what really matters. Treat others as you want them to treat you.

If you have thousands of love strategies running through your mind and you're constantly thinking about what the other person will think or do, or if you're thinking about choosing truth, trust and respect - know that you're not alone. There are still those who resist nonsense and stereotypes and take on the heavy burden of emotional evolution, the fruits of which other loves will reap in the future.

Be a person who refuses to play games and who takes responsibility for his emotions. Love as you want to be loved. Be kind, gentle, open, show feelings. Don't hide behind cynicism and resentment. Be vulnerable. If the person you love doesn't respond in the same way, they're not the right person. Maybe she'll learn someday, maybe not.

Be honest

People lie and expect others to do the same. You have to be very brave and remain open. You need to give others a chance to learn to recognize and appreciate your sincerity. It's a big investment and the price is high.

However, it is your life and you have the right and duty to live it according to your beliefs and needs, without pretending.

Be the kind of person you want your partner to be

It's not just romantic love, but any kind of love, and there are many of them. Give this love to friends, family, partner, show trust, accept others as they are.

Don't try to transform yourself into something more acceptable so that others will respond. Be the cause that attracts the effect, be the love that attracts love.

Be the kind of person you want your partner to be.

Don't underestimate yourself, respect yourself

Respect starts with self-respect - if someone is afraid of your strength, your feelings, your ambitions, they are not a person who is up to the challenge of love. This realization hurts, but investing love in someone who doesn't return it the way you want it to is a black hole in a relationship.

Do not try to conform and humble yourself, you will hurt your soul and will not get love and respect.

Always do your best

This is the complete opposite of what emotional games are and what those who calculate and manipulate do. If you are emotional, you risk that the power of your emotions will overwhelm the interlocutor. But take the risk. Do whatever is up to you. Thus, your conscience will always be clear, and your inner light will be bright.

Give yourself, your attention, your time, your heart. Because life is too short to do anything half-heartedly.

Don't give up on people

You only see the good in others, forgive them and give them second, third and sixth chances and you've done it so many times. Keep going.

People need forgiveness and understanding. They need someone who will see the best in them, even if they don't deserve it.

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