
Should you do weight training or cardio first?

Should you do weight training or cardio first?

Awareness of the importance of physical exercise, which is said to have positive effects on people's psychophysical health, is increasing every year. But if exercise has not become an integral part of your life, you probably don't even know how to start and which training to choose. Personal trainers advise that you pay attention to what you want to achieve.

Fast pace of life it takes away from many people energy for exercise, that's why they do absolutely nothing for their health. Trainers they often say yes people they are looking for excuses because she is supposed to be too A 20-minute workout sufficient, but everyone can be it 'takes up' so much time in the day. What kind training you will choose, but it depends on what you want to achieve. Cardio training, weight training or both?

Cardio training, weight training or both?
Cardio training, weight training or both?

Some of them trainers they advise not to you are mixing both, which means that it is the best, to be determined devote days of the week to weight training, and other days cardio exercises. But there is also that one current, which advocates the idea that v incorporate both into your workout. The first would be had to devote to lifting weights, then you can do more cardio training.

 First, you should focus on lifting weights, then you can do cardio training.
First, you should focus on lifting weights, then you can do cardio training.

Why do you need to do weight training first?

Personal trainer Jim White recommends that you first do weight training if you want to achieve muscle growth, and that's all you'll do able to use the maximum muscle glycogen reserve, which is stored energy. It can often happen that honey cardio training makes you tired, you use up a lot of energy and you can't do more strenuous weight training.

Initially training you have a limited amount of energy, which you want to spend if it's good. Weight training is said to require much more energy. If you are not tired yet, you will also perform the exercises more correctly, which is important at achieving results and preventing injuries.

It is important to warm up before starting the training!

It is important to warm up before starting the training!
It is important to warm up before starting the training!

The order depends on your goals.

An old belief says yes you will increase your strength with weights, but it really all depends on your goals, he says personal trainer Cary Williams. If you want to build muscle and gain muscle mass, it would be more appropriate that the former do weight training. Those who want to improve their condition and heart function, but they will started with cardio training on the treadmill. The energy is just right losing between the two training sessions.

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