
Sigh - the first restaurant that serves food exclusively for photography

Restaurant Sigh

Many restaurants around the world are deciding to ban photography of food with phones. It's a 21st century obsession that has taken over Instagram. It has degenerated to the point that the act has become disturbing for the other guests who have not yet succumbed to this "temptation". The restaurant Sigh in New York, instead of a ban, decided to put food photography in the foreground. If many restaurants now have the sign "Photography prohibited!", and the food is only for the taste buds, the story at the Sigh restaurant is just the opposite. ''Eating prohibited! The food is only for photography.''

An important element of every meal is its appearance, as it is often what attracts or repels. Last but not least we also eat with our eyes. And you've probably been tempted to take pictures of a beautifully decorated meal in a restaurant. hey food photography has become almost a mandatory part of a restaurant visit or pre-meal ritual, similar to hand washing or prayer. While many users were slapped on the toes by banning this kind of behavior, it is Sigh restaurant a paradise for those who are obsessed with photography to the point that all they care about about their meal is that the photo of it turns out well on Instagram. In this New York restaurant, the food is served exclusively for the purpose of taking pictures while it is being served eating prohibited.

READ MORE: Foodography – a treat for foodies and food photography obsessives

Restaurant Sigh
Restaurant Sigh

Fortunately (or unfortunately) it is not a real restaurant, but mockumentary (part of a series Millennials of New York)- fictitious content shown in a documentary way, which misleads many viewers - mocking our obsession with photographing food. That is why there is still a real Israeli restaurant and wine shop that we wrote about some time ago, which is part of the project Foodography produced special plates with the help of which food photos are of even higher quality.

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