
Silence Is Golden: 5 Reasons Why Mentally Strong People Don't Respond To Insults

Look for the good in everything and everyone.

When you look around you realize that the world has suddenly become a place where people are just arguing. You see how people on social media and in real life try to impose their opinion on others while criticizing them.

We've all witnessed arguments over social media and strong intolerance between people. But intelligent, educated people rarely respond to insults. You may find it strange how they can be so calm and how they can care less what others think of them.

Here are some reasons why mentally strong and stable people do not respond to insults.

Silence is sometimes the best answer

Most people often like to point out what you are doing wrong and list everything you need to change. However, there are also individuals who choose not to hear this negativity. Why? Because they believe that some people are always criticizing just to make themselves feel better and to cover up their insecurities.

Such people will never be happy about your success or achievement because they themselves were not capable of being at that level or have met with failure at some point. Do you know how many people laughed at Nikola Tesla at first when he talked about his inventions? If he had paid attention to their negativity, he might not even have had the opportunity to discover his inventions and patent them.

No matter what you do, good or bad, people will always judge you. If you do not react to provocations, you will save time and energy that you can use in other ways.

They don't care about the opinions of others

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If someone criticizes you, that's what they believe or how they see things, and you can't change that. Emotionally and mentally strong people do not react to insults because it is just someone else's opinion.

Overthinking a person's negative comments will only make things more difficult for you. Believe in yourself and only accept positive feedback. Focus on nice people and take constructive criticism with your head held high.

The thought process of negative people who always criticize others is mostly irrational and illogical. Responding to such unreasonable opinions and behaviors will only distance you from achieving your ultimate goal in life.

They are friendly

While some people's hobby is to spread hatred and create turmoil in other people's lives, there are also people who respond to their unreasonable attitude with generosity. They do this because they don't want complications, both in their own lives and in the lives of the toxic individual.

The more you allow hatred to grow in them, the more difficult it makes your life. Your kindness can neutralize their aggression and force them to change their hostile opinion of you.

They are happy and healthy

You can't always fight the negative influence of some people's unconstructive tirades. But for people who want to live well and happily, their physical, mental and emotional well-being is vital.

Verbal insults leave a lasting impression on your thoughts and personality. They can cause stress, depression and anxiety, making a person susceptible to various diseases. Depression and stress can have a very detrimental effect on a person's personality, which automatically affects their life and happiness.

People who rarely respond to insults are relatively happier and healthier in life than those who always argue. Remember - while you may not have control over what other people think, you do have control over your emotions and can eliminate the forces that want to disrupt your peace, joy and success. If your happiness and sadness are based on other people's opinions, then you can never be satisfied, even with what you have.

They are looking for solutions

You are not in this world to please everyone, you can never be good or bad enough for someone. People who are mentally and emotionally strong look for solutions when they run into problems. Communicating with people who insult or criticize you and paying attention to their words and actions only gives them power over you. You are creating obstacles – for yourself. If you want to have peace in your life, don't focus on what others say. You simply need to find a solution to deal with them decently.

The only person who should make any decisions about you is yourself! It is never wise to react to insults. The smartest way to respond to something negative is simple – ignore the negativity.

People who make you feel bad are only people - just like you. And what they think and say is not the word of God, so in this case ignorance is the best solution.

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