
Simple tricks on how to choose a sweet and ripe watermelon

You will never make a mistake again!

Photo: envato

Have you ever bought a watermelon that looked good on the outside but were disappointed when you cut it open? We have a trick for you on how to choose a sweet and ripe watermelon!

Watermelons refresh us and delight us with their juiciness and sweetness. There's nothing better than biting into a juicy piece of ripe watermelon. However, how to choose a sweet and ripe watermelon?

Many times we find ourselves in a situation where it looks good on the outside, but disappoints with bad taste and immature content.

With these simple tips, you will become a true expert in choosing the best watermelons, which will allow you to enjoy perfect juicy pieces full of sweet taste every time summers.

Watermelon. Photo: Kampus Production / Pexels

1. Look for a yellowish spot on the surface of the watermelon

When choosing it, look at its surface. Look for a yellowish spot that may appear on the surface. This spot marks the spot where the watermelon lay on the ground during ripening. The ripest ones have larger yellowish spots, which indicates that they have ripened in the sun for a long time. Watermelons with a bright green or white surface are best avoided as they have been picked before reaching full maturity. Therefore, a yellowish spot is a good sign of a sweet and ripe watermelon.

2. Look at the stem

Another indicator of watermelon freshness is the stem. Fresh watermelons have a green and juicy stem still attached to it. If the stem is dry, brown, or easily separated from the watermelon, this can be a sign that it may not be as fresh anymore. Choose a watermelon with a green and fresh stem, as this is an indicator of freshness and quality.

Is she cute? Photo: Rens / Unsplash

3. Listen to the sound

The last step in selecting a sweet and ripe watermelon is a simple sound test. Tap the watermelon and listen to the sound. A ripe and juicy watermelon will produce deep and full sounds and seem to resonate slightly. This is a sign that it is juicy, sweet and ripe. Avoid watermelons that sound empty, as this may indicate less ripeness and sweetness.

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