
Skyryse One: a helicopter revolution in the airspace with only one rudder

The future of helicopters

Skyryse One
Photo: Skyryse

Forget everything you thought you knew about helicopters. Skyryse One represents a radical transformation of the aviation industry with a single rudder and two touch screens. This revolutionary approach to piloting not only changes the game, but ushers in a new era of air travel that is safer, more intuitive and more accessible than ever before.

At first glance, it could Skyryse One mistaken for a normal helicopter, but when you dig deeper, you quickly realize that it's anything but that. Created by Skyrysa, this aircraft represents the world's first helicopter that can be controlled with a single rudder and two touch screens. With this, Skyryse has set new standards in ease of management, security and efficiency.

Photo: Skyrise
Photo: Skyrise

In developing the Skyryse One, engineers ditched the decades-old mechanical controls and replaced them with an intuitive, software-based system called SkyOS. This system not only allows for easier flying with fewer points of potential failure, but also brings advanced safety features such as dynamic flight envelope protection, automatic autorotation in the event of power failure, and hands- or feet-free hover assistance. Thus, piloting has become more accessible and less demanding, opening the door to a new generation of pilots.

Unlike traditional helicoptersv, where pilots operate four rudders simultaneously, Skyryse One controls the entire aircraft with one hand. This simplified management allows pilots to focus on the very essence of flying, while SkyOS takes care of the rest.

Before the revolutionary arrival of Skyryse One, helicopters were a symbol of demanding piloting that required a high level of skill and concentration. Traditional helicopter piloting involved the use of four main controls - cyclic and collective control, pedals and engine control. Each of these rudders had its own specific function: a cyclic rudder to control the direction of flight, a collective for takeoff and landing, pedals to control the rotation of the helicopter around its axis, and engine controls to manage power.

This system required pilots to use both arms and legs at the same time to maintain stability, direction and control of the flight, which presented a great challenge even to experienced pilots. In addition, the complexity of the mechanical controls also increased the chances of errors and technical failures, which further increased the risk during flight.

However, with the arrival of Skyryse One, this complexity has become a thing of the past. Replacing the multi-control system with the ease of use of one joystick and two touch screens has drastically reduced the pilot's cognitive and physical load, while increasing the safety and intuitiveness of flight. Skyryse not only makes it easier to operate a helicopter, but also enables a wider range of people to enter the world of flying safely and confidently.

Inside the Skyryse One cabin, sophistication reigns, with an ergonomically designed joystick and two touch screens offering the pilot total control. The emphasis is on minimalism and functionality, which removes unnecessary distractions and allows the pilot to fully surrender to the pleasure of flying.

Photo: Skyrise

Skyryse One is not just a technical achievement; it is also a design surplus. Its cabin and customization options set new standards in general aviation, enabling luxury and individualization beyond conventional boundaries.

Initial bookings for Skyryse One are already available for a token $2,500, with first deliveries to follow shortly. The price of the first series starts at $1.8 million, which is a relatively affordable price considering the innovations and improvements offered.

The Skyryse One is not just a new helicopter; is a catalyst for change in the way we understand and experience flying. With innovations ranging from ease of operation to advanced safety features, Skyryse transforms the skies into a place where flying is accessible and safe for all. Opening the door to the future of flight, Skyryse One not only sets new standards; it raises the question of what else can be achieved in the airspace of the 21st century.

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