
Slap it: a butt-shaped touch lamp that lights up when you slap it on the backside

Touch wall lamp Slap it

You are all familiar with the concept of a touch lamp that turns on as soon as you touch it. Slap it is a wall lamp that works on a similar principle, except that it is a slightly more perverse version of the aforementioned concept. The ambient wall light in the shape of a buttock is turned on/off by clapping it on its back side.

If you like the principle touch lamp, but you're looking for something cheeky, is a wall lamp Slap it perfect for you. Indeed butt slaps we do not approve, as it is an extremely offensive and unacceptable act, and in this case it is about an innocent form of "sleeping", which will nevertheless raise quite a few eyebrows.

The light has extremely sexy curves, sorry, shape, and he made it out of silicone (for the authenticity of the experience). Joseph Begley. Instead of a slap, the lamp will "lubricate" you with light.

READ MORE: 9 simple tips on how to properly light the apartment

The Slap it lamps were released a while ago in limited numbers and at a hefty price ($1,167), but now they're coming back significantly cheaper ($230, which is around 205 euros) and in unlimited circulation.

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