
Weight loss for lazy people!

Weight loss tips

Losing weight takes a lot of effort and discipline. However, there are also easier ways to lose weight than sweating it out in the gym and giving up food excessively. Here are tricks that will definitely help us... How to lose weight if you're lazy!

For anyone who doesn't smell sweat on the orbitrek and doesn't even want to think about a strict diet, here are some simple weight loss tricks for the lazy. If we include them in our daily routine, we will definitely succeed.

A glass of water before a meal

Always start a meal with a glass of water. Water is excellent for hydration, and with its help we also eat less at breakfast, lunch or dinner.

A few simple substitutions

We pay attention to the little things at every meal. Replace white dressings with apple cider vinegar, choose fresh fruit instead of fruit dessert, replace fried meat with grilled meat, etc.

Sweet vices

When our blood sugar drops and we smell something sweet, we forget about high-calorie cookies and cakes. A piece of dark chocolate with at least 80 percent cocoa content will be enough to satisfy the desire.

Portion sizes

If we want to lose a few kilos, be careful with the size of our portions. Let's weigh, measure and eat from bowls and plates instead of bags. We should also choose small plates, as we will have the feeling that we have eaten much more, and freeze the leftovers quickly, as this way we will avoid overeating.

More movement

If we don't like exercise, we fill our workday with exercises that don't seem like exercise at first glance. Let the stairs become our best friends, let's park the car a little longer than usual, clean the apartment, rearrange the wardrobe...

Let's get some sleep

If we are sleepy, we will eat less because we will have more energy. A fact!

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