
Slovenian design: Oloop Design & the Community of Making exhibition

Oloop Design consists of three Slovenian designers - Katja Burger, Jasmina Ferček and Tjaša Bavcon, who deal with product and spatial design, setting up installations and preparing social events. In addition to all this, the girls also have their own production of OLOOP products.

Important information
Modern Gallery, Ljubljana
Entrance fee

Project Community of Making was created in the framework BIO 50 and with the help of a partner and a mediator Handicraft Center Ribnica.

We probably all know Ribnica very well precisely because of their famous wooden and pottery products, which are considered to be made by a single craftsman or the rule applies: one craftsman - one material - one technique - one product. Oloop Design however, they decided to turn the existing work paradigm in a new direction, where the entire cycle of work takes place in pairs. Craftsmen could meet and exchange ideas or knowledge and create together. The result of a pleasant project were products made of two separable parts - clay and wood - which support each other in form and function. The products are actually symbolic images of what the artisans experienced when they created the product.

You can have all the products see at the exhibition in Modern galleries in Ljubljana, from Tuesday to Sunday between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Info Box

More information:
oloopdesign.com and rokodelskicenter-ribnica.si

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