
The Slovenian police have very good new cars!

Slovenian police - Toyota Land Cruiser

The Slovenian police now has an enviable fleet! We recently wrote that Slovenian police officers can only look with envy at police officers in some other countries who drive extraordinary steel horses, while they themselves have to make do with often technologically and technically dilapidated vehicles. But better times are ahead for the Slovenian police, as they will be equipped with 300 new vehicles. 25 of them have already been put into use and below we reveal the new representatives of the police fleet.

Slovenian police has enviable new steel horses! The police is extensively refreshing its vehicle fleet, which has already been joined by off-road vehicles Toyota Land Cruiser, which were pasted in the company's official colors 3DIM, who was also in charge of additional lighting and sound equipment. The Toyotas are part of the lease tender for 303 special patrol passenger vehicles with engines up to 2,000 cubic centimeters and 42 with engine displacements of more than 2,000 cubic centimeters. There are 3 of them 25 already put into use (there are fewer of them in the video, because the rest are civilians), 253 but he is still preparing them. In addition to SUVs, the police will get other types of vehicles, from limousines and hatchbacks to vans, vans and station wagons.

READ MORE: What cars do police officers drive around the world?

The Slovenian police intends to hire two more special patrol personal vehicles and a civilian special patrol vehicle for the transport of a protected person, as well as armored vehicle for transporting a protected person.

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