
A smart and strong woman will NOT demand this from her partner!

A strong woman builds trust in her partner, so she never dreams of asking him for such things.

It often happens that we doubt our partner, which we realize only then, when it already is too late. Learn what strong and smart women don't ask of their partners. He will thank you!

1. A smart woman can rely on herself and does not ask others to take care of her.

Some women ask men to provide them with food, dress them and entertain them to boot. But a man has an obligation only to his children, and so does a woman. A man can choose to take care of his woman from head to toe, but this is by no means an obligation.

A smart woman does not require others to take care of her.
A smart woman does not require others to take care of her.

2. It doesn't ask a man to give up what he likes to do.

A smart and strong woman never asks a man to give up his hobbies or work just to spend that time with her. Such a woman knows that this will only make her partner unhappy, because his life also consists of several elements.

3. It does not force a man to leave his friends and family.

Maybe you really don't get along with one of his friends or relatives. But this does not mean that the partner has to give up on these people. Even if they have a bad influence on him, it's still not our decision. Men value the friendship they have built over many years, and the bond between them and their relatives is no less important.

It does not force a man to leave his friends and family.
It does not force a man to leave his friends and family.

4. It doesn't require you to share interests.

If a man hates dancing and a woman dreams of dancing salsa with him, it is very possible that the man will reject this offer. Then you have to think about how we would feel if someone forced us to do something. It is important to remember that self-interest in a partnership does not mean a lack of love or mutual respect.

5. A smart and strong woman does not force a man to become someone else.

A woman who knows the true value of a partner relationship will never demand that her partner change. She realizes that she is in love with a man made of flesh and blood, who will change only when he wants to change himself. Men appreciate those women who accept them for who they are and those women who unobtrusively inspire them to become better people.

A strong woman does not demand that a man change.
A strong woman does not demand that a man change.

6. It doesn't ask a man to completely ignore other women.

It's time to face the truth: men can't ignore beautiful women (of course, we're not talking about flirting). To do otherwise would be against their nature. Women also like to look after attractive men they are not in a relationship with, and it really can't be avoided.

7. A smart and strong woman trusts a man.

A smart woman does not demand to demonstrate love and affection. If they are connected by trust, such a woman will never use her partner's phone or e-mail. A mature adult will take such actions as an insult.

In order to achieve peace and harmony in a relationship, we have to make compromises. Respect, warmth, empathy and patience - these are things that should not be missing in a healthy partnership.

In order to have a really good partnership, we have to learn to trust.
In order to have a really good partnership, we have to learn to trust.

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