
The Saent smart device – the key to greater productivity

Saent desktop device

Your fingers also itch regularly and while working on the computer you check what is happening on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and let them throw you out of your work rhythm? If so, then the Saent smart device that increases your productivity in a fun and easy way is just for you. It not only disables intruders, but also improves interaction with the applications/programs you operate with.

A smart device Saint hold the key for greater productivity. A small Bluetooth device in the form of a white button not only automatically blocks annoying apps and programs, which distract you from concentrated work, but also offers convenient shortcuts and commands, thus helping to catch a work rhythm and develop better work habits. You manage it with tapping, gestures and voice commands, and the device software allows you to customize the commands to your liking.

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However, Saent does not hermetically seal you off from the outside world like North Korea. He recognizes it important notices (for example, from your boss) and allow them to distract you while you work. A physical button is at the same time an unobtrusive reminder for colleagues, that you are engrossed in work and do not want to be disturbed. With help LEDs counting down the minutes until the end of the shift, but you can challenge your fellow Saent and see who is the bigger workaholic. You can pre-order "Svetnik" (Saent is read as saint, which means saint in English) on Indiegogo, investment (for which they require recalculated 90 euros) but it will surely pay you back quickly.

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