
Smart Phone Projector: an intelligent projector for smartphones

Technology is advancing so fast today that we can now download and watch movies right on our smartphones. The extremely intelligent and compact Smart Phone Projector finally allows you to watch movies as you should, turning your home into a big screen.

Basic information
Smart Phone Projector
The price

Smart Phone Projector projects images onto the wall, giving you a better wireless viewing experience. With the built-in speaker plug, you can turn your room into a cinema. A combination retro black and white boxes and modern technologies, but it can also be a great gift for cinema lovers of all ages.

READ MORE: The TouchPico mini projector turns any wall into a touch screen

Smart Phone Projector
Smart Phone Projector

Smart Phone Projector it is made of strong cardboard, which folds up in a minute and thus saves you time if you decide to spend the movie night with friends this time.
It works with help eight magnifying lenses. All you have to do is press play, place your phone in a tight grip on the back of the projector, connect your speakers and voila, your home theater is here. Now just get comfortable, grab some ice cream and just relax.

Home cinema
Home cinema

The price of the projector is 21€, you can buy it at prezzybox.com.

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