
The Sophia Smart Rocker on Kickstarter

The Sophia smart cradle, which starts its journey on the Kickstarter website as part of crowdfunding, is a smart fitness device that tracks our jumping rope activity, counts the calories burned and synchronizes everything via Bluetooth interface.

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FitFox Ltd.
The price

Using the latest technology, it is clever rocking chair Sophia made of a sturdy white case that houses the latest fitness sensors - everything from an accelerometer to an optical module that accurately counts jumps. Bluetooth connects the cradle with a smartphone and thus offers insight and synchronization with other sources via iOS through the application HealthKit and Android GoogleFit.

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Sophia the smart rocking chair
Sophia the smart rocking chair

Smart activity trackers thus ensure that s by counting jumps, activity speed and calorie consumption we get the kind of recreation we really need. But they didn't even forget about the social factor - the Sophia rocking chair makes it possible to let's invite our friends, we compete with them and improve our health as a group.
The Sophia smart rocking chair is part of the crowdfunding on Kickstarter.

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