
Smoothie challenge: Slovene with a smoothie made from cat food, ketchup and sardines

Smoothie challenge

If the smoothie ingredients in the title seem counterintuitive, you're not alone. This is also recognized by the Slovenians, who prepare probably the most unusual smoothie in the world. Cat food, ketchup and sardines are not all the ingredients. There's another bunch of spices, and hot sauce, pickles, etc.

Meet the Slovenes, Matjaž and Gašper, the authors of the YouTube channel Gapii TV, who prepare in their latest challenge unusual smoothie. We don't know what the purpose of this challenge is, but we do know that only Steve O from Jackass can rival them in bizarreness.

READ MORE: The best street magic trick you've ever seen!

A smoothie for the bravest.
A smoothie for the bravest.

Would you be willing to drink this kind of smoothie yourself? Which one of them, do you think, should get a drink he manages to get it down his throat? Gašper or Matjaž?

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