
This is how you properly prepare your skin for the summer sun!

Photo: Mikael Gresset / Unsplah

Summer is just around the corner, and so are our desires for tanned skin. Everything is fine and dandy until there are unpleasant burns and colored spots on the skin. In winter, our skin is extra dried out and there are many people who do not give their skin any attention, and this can also be reflected in the sun in summer. Moisturized skin has a better chance of getting an even tan than dry skin. Time is running out, so check what you can do "last minute" for your skin and beautiful complexion.

The skin has its own laws, so you can also take care of a beautiful summer tan by preparing your skin for sunbathing. We recommend the following steps that will effectively prepare your skin!

Skin brushing

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Treat yourself with the help of various brushes that you can buy in personal care stores body brushing on dry skin. This will remove all the dead cells and impurities that are on your skin and thus prepare the skin for the application and better absorption of cream, lotion or body butter. But beware, if your skin has many irregularities such as pimples and acne or is very dry and sensitive, do not use it.


One of the most effective methods is, of course peeling, which we can prepare ourselves at home. Homemade preparations are better for the skin, as they contain natural ingredients and are thus kind to the skin and nature. Exfoliating can make the area around you dirty, so we recommend doing it in the shower or bath. First you take a shower, then you apply an exfoliant to your wet skin, which you massage over your body in circular motions. Work with feeling and don't be too rough. You can also use a cotton glove to gently massage the scrub. After application, wash off the scrub and apply lotion or body butter to damp skin.


Photo: Moose Photos / Pexels

Sunscreens and lotions aren't just for those days at the beach, but for every day when the days get warmer and our clothes reveal more of our skin. If you sweat a lot, choose a sunscreen that is thinner, lighter and absorbs faster into the body and does not leave a greasy feeling. Little do we realize that the sun can burn us even when we are exposed to it for only a short time.

Refreshing body water

Photo: Fleur Kaan/Unsplash

There are quite a few body washes on the market. With them, you not only refresh your body with a pleasant smell, but additionally moisturize the skin exposed to the sun and unpleasant burns.

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