
THIS is how you walk away from a toxic relationship, even when you don't want to!

"There comes a time in life when you can finally step away from all the drama and the people who create it." – José N. Harris

Stop it. Get him out of your mind. Don't try again. Don't give him a chance. Don't look for it. Stop and ask yourself, why would you still love him, given his behavior? Ask yourself, is it worth forgetting yourself? Should it really be so hard to love? Why don't you put him out of your mind?

Stop apologizing, being too understanding, stop being so blind and start slowly opening your eyes to all the answers you ignored, the bad communication, the white lies, the things he said, the lack of effort and the fact that you never was his priority…

You start to realize that the problem was with you from day one, but you just didn't want to admit it because you wanted to believe that time was different, that he was different.

You erase memories and want to forget about him, about your time. To your moments. You delete all messages, pictures, contacts. You act like he never existed. You forget how happy he made you feel, how you felt when you were with him. You forget what he told you, all his promises that were nothing but a bunch of lies. You forget who you were when you were with them. You forget the person you thought he was and you forget all the good things that were. You forget they existed. You forget!

And then you remember. You remember that you were fine before he walked into your life. You remember who you were before you met him, that you've already fallen and picked yourself up and become stronger. That you had and that a good life awaits you, even without him. You remember that there are other more important things to worry about, that you have plans and goals to achieve.

Leave your love to the universe, let it draw a new beginning or end of your story.
Leave your love to the universe, let it draw a new beginning or end of your story.

You have a lifetime ahead of you to meet the one who deserves every second of your love. You remember that people love you, even if he doesn't, others love you and always will.

Leave it to the universe and move on. Leave it all to the universe. Let it tell if he is your person. Leave the questions and answers to him. Will they meet again, talk, will he come back to you and apologize. Or you will simply forget about him and find someone better, the man you thought he was, the one you want.

Leave it all to the universe. Let the universe continue or finish the rest of the story. Let it take care of your heart. Don't think about scenarios in your mind, don't endlessly ask why, don't wait for answers.

Let go. Forget about him, leave him to the universe, let it take over your destiny. You tried. You did your part, you did everything you could and knew how, although now you know that many things were not right, but not only from your side, from both sides.

Now it's time for the universe to play its part - trust it, it's a lot more exciting than you think it is. Leave it to the universe and move on!

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