
This is how you will make him fall in love with you and commit to you

Photo: IG humanlovers

Do you think your chasing him will make him want you badly?

Do you think there is some magic recipe that will make it stick to you like glue in no time? Kidding aside. The answer to both questions is straightforward - no.

The biggest mistake is to think that the only way to win someone's heart is to pursue them, play games, and focus only on emphasizing your physical appearance.

The only way any man will want to get you is if you are in love with yourself.

Why you should never not chase a man? The answer to this question is complex and dates back to the beginning of mankind, when men mostly hunted or celebrated victories in gladiatorial combat.

Things have changed drastically in these modern times, but one idea has remained the same: it is in a man's nature to be a hunter, to hunt, fight and win. If you pay attention to the behavior of men, you will notice that they still express their desire to win in many different ways. They compete with other men when it comes to fast cars, jobs, different skills.

Every man has an innate desire to woo a woman and prove to the world (and other men) that he is worthy of being with that woman. He wants to show the world and himself that he won by winning the heart of this woman - you.

Allowing him to pursue you will allow him to prove that he is worthy of being with you. You will give him a chance to win you over, and that's why you should never chase a man, but rather let him chase you.

If you're still not convinced, here are some more legitimate reasons why you should never chase a man (even if you really want to):

  • chasing a man you're not interested in can seriously damage your self-esteem;
  • if you have to chase a man, (in most cases) it means that he is not right for you;
  • chasing men often results in one-sided love.

And the most important reason - don't chase him because he doesn't want to be caught. If you want a man who doesn't want to get caught, you're just wasting your time. There are more important things waiting for you in life than wasting time on fleeting romances that promise nothing.

When you stop chasing him, you'll discover there's a lot more to life than just waiting for him to text you. These amazing things will happen:

  • when you stop chasing him, he will start chasing you;
  • you will revive other relationships in your life;
  • you will enjoy life to the fullest.

When you stop chasing him, you will finally feel free and instead give him some space to pursue you. You will allow him to fulfill his innate role as a hunter.

What to do if he is chasing you (using male psychology)?

If you've always been the one chasing men, it's going to take some time to change your perspective. To motivate a man to pursue you, the subject of their pursuit must add value to their life. In other words: if you want a man to chase you, you have to be confident and have high values. In this context, this may sound a bit inappropriate, but the bigger the reward, the greater the interest in the reward.

So if you let a man know that any man can conquer you at any time and with minimal effort, he won't be so interested in chasing you because it won't make him feel like a winner.

Remember that men need to feel like winners, so you have to let them feel that way. This means that you shouldn't let them win your heart too easily.

If you want him to chase you, you should be a woman who has her own life and enjoys it to the fullest, a woman who has her own opinion on things, and a woman who doesn't dance to other people's tunes, but to her own.

A man knows that such a woman will add value to his life and will want to be a part of everything he does. A man knows that such a woman is rare and strong, so he will do everything in his power to win her heart.

This means that you don't reveal everything about yourself to him on the first date, but leave some things to his imagination. Let him know he's not the only one out to win you over because the competition is tough. This will encourage him to step up his game, become the best version of himself and pursue you.

Here are some ways a man will chase you based on male psychology:

  • focus on yourself and your happiness;
  • be secretive;
  • increase self-confidence;
  • show him that you don't need a man to be happy;
  • show interest in him (but don't overdo it);
  • be an inspiring woman.

Remember: a man will never chase (or commit to) a woman who clings to him.

If there's one thing men despise more than anything in the world, it's a woman who would do anything for them. Many women still think that the way to please men is the way to their hearts. On the contrary, it's a sure recipe for being taken for granted.

Any woman who acts clingy, annoying, or desperate will be taken for granted by men because a woman who acts like that has no value in their eyes. If a man sees that a woman does not have her own opinion on things and lacks self-confidence, he will not be motivated to pursue her because the "reward" is not enticing enough.

So ladies, if you want a man to chase you or commit to you, you need to know exactly what you want. You need to know your passion, stick to your beliefs and pursue your dreams. Instead of blindly following trends, you should create them. Instead of following someone else's path, you must create your own!

A woman who knows her worth, praises her flaws and knows how to stand up for herself will make a man want to have her, chase her and commit to her, because it takes a special skill to win the heart of such a woman.

Allow him to prove himself that he is skilled enough to impress you and that he is worthy of being a part of your life. Let him prove to you that he is better than other men, and you will awaken his natural instinct to chase, fight and win.

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