The media we call social media is killing the very thing that can be called social. When we open our computers, it's like closing the door and isolating ourselves in a world of endless social illusion. This is a must-see story (video).
Video under the keyword "look up” is a wake-up call for all of us who spend too much time on social networks, while forgetting about real relationships.
He prepared, shot and wrote the video Gary Turk. The movie is amazing important life lesson, which you have to see to see how very important it is to realize how necessary it is step out of the circle of digital into the circle of real life.
Gary:"Children grow up in a world where they don't play outside, they don't interact with their peers in normal ways. It looks like everything is happening and done via text messages or even online. I feel guilty and the whole thing fills me with sadness. It is necessary to raise awareness among the young generation. A vigil is necessary.”
Share “SHARE” – this video and thereby help raise awareness among young people about social networks, which are not social at their core. Let's step out of the circle of digital sociability.