
Hanging out with friends is good for your mental and physical health – and slimming too!

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They say it's hard to find a true friend, and even harder to keep it for the rest of your life. But there are also friendships that can shake this claim. They are the family we choose for ourselves and are the people we first want to share both good and bad news with, talk about absolutely everything. There are many myths about friendship. According to psychologists, hanging out with friends is good for both mental and physical health, and after reading this article, you'll want to spend more time with them.

Friends help to develop the skill of understanding others, that is, with their help, we can put ourselves in the shoes of others. With them, we become more compassionate, better people, we feel less negative energy, the hormone of happiness increases, which is good for mental health.

With friends, we are less afraid

Perhaps this fact is surprising, but friends help to do some things better estimate and we see them in a better light. This means that friends can help us experience disturbing and challenging things as less dangerous. Spending time with friends it also has a positive effect on physical health. One study found that high body mass index, high blood pressure and many other indicators of poor health are more common in people who spend time in solitude. The risk of developing some diseases was lower in those who have a richer and more active social life.


Loneliness stress

Psychologists say that friends and a social life reduce the risk of premature death. Friends help us reduce stress and ease the heavy life periods. Isolation and loneliness have a negative impact on life and cause more stress. The stress caused by the constant lack of company can lead to deterioration of health and is the cause of some diseases.


According to research, those people who have a higher risk of developing dementia they have no friends. If there is no socializing, the cognitive functions of the individual can worsen. In addition, friends should also help with personal development, as they give inspiration and courage to discover new things. Also, with their help, brain function can be improved.

Despite the busy lifestyle, it is recommended to stay in touch with friends, as this will keep you creative new memories and strengthen your health.

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