
Solaris – a solar-powered luxury yacht that doesn't need fuel

Solaris yacht

Luxury yachts are rarely associated with clean energy, but not Duffy London's solar-powered luxury ship Solaris, which requires no fossil fuels to sail. The vessel features an unusual design and the latest technology in the field of solar energy and batteries. She will be aborted in 2020.

Duffy London he made a solar-powered luxury yacht Solaris, which provides carbon-free shipping and sailing completely without fuel. The vast majority of yachts spend a lot of time in port, which Solaris uses to its advantage, and it also recharges while sailing. It's a ship inaudible while sailing and can travel at high speed just like a sailboat, except we don't have to rely on weather conditions.

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The Solaris doesn't even have a fuel tank. Its fuel is solar energy.
The Solaris doesn't even have a fuel tank. Its fuel is solar energy.

At Duffy London, they made sure that the ecological orientation of Solaris would not suffer luxury and comfort. He can accept 10 guests and seven crew members, for which five cabins are available and two decks (on two floors) for relaxation and a panoramic view of the sea. It boasts the latest solar technology and the most advanced batteries. Measure 44 meters and is 8.7 meters wide. It can reach speeds of up to 45 knots (83 km/h), and the traveling speed is 20 knots or 50 km/h. It will be done in 2020, and it will have to be deducted 22 million euros.

Solaris – a luxury yacht powered by solar energy:

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