
Someone has invented pants that keep your dove's scent from escaping

We all do it - the only difference is that some people like to do it loudly, others in silence, sometimes they stink so much that it hurts, other times a little less, but sometimes we can stop them from embarrassing us, and other times they just get away.

If you know someone who it drowns out everything in the room, then you know what you're going to spend £100 on (approx. 112 euros) – on pants that prevent it the smell of your dove came out of his pants and spread around the room. Yes, it sounds strange, av to Shreddies are actually think about too these. And apparently it's time to be the one you can't hold back a pigeon, and this one still stinks, consider pants like this.

Shreddies pants will trap all unpleasant odors.
Shreddies pants will trap all unpleasant odors.

On their website, they wrote that their pants for odor filtering, they have a built-in panel with active carbon that absorbs all unpleasant odors. The vapors are trapped in the tile, and with washing, they neutralize.

The vapors are trapped in the tile and neutralized by washing.
The vapors are trapped in the tile and neutralized by washing.

In these pants you will be able to enjoy in all situations, as you won't need to 'squeeze your asses together'. For a better effect, you can also think of bottoms that boast the same technology as pants. Crazy, right?

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