
Jugonostalgia – sweet and unforgettable memories


It's true that we change from year to year and everything around us spins faster, but the time we take to rekindle Yugo nostalgia is precious and, above all, unforgettable.

Truth be told, I belong to the last generation of unforgettable memories that she gave to many of us Yugoslavia. Although I wasn't a pioneer, except for the one who learned foreign languages in the Pionirski dom, I have quite a few ties to my early childhood before independence nostalgia, which emerges from under the dusty attic, when friends and I laugh at simple objects from those times, watch old movies or go dancing to the jugo hita. But if I happen to receive an email from Yugonostalgic content, I always quietly laugh at all the images that take me back in time.

We dressed up in funny multi-colored clothes sweatpants with different prints, such as cool as possible. And if a classmate had the same, we thought it was even cooler. With something dinars in the pocket that we got if we cleaned the room at home or took the trash to the trash can, we went to the store to buy Cockta, which is not only the drink of our parents' youth, but also the drink of our youth. We were crunchy Goldi wafers, collected pictures from chocolate bars The animal kingdom and you are with the sweetest Kiki candies damaged teeth. In kindergarten and school, the next day they chewed us with their finger and pointed at huge posters of children's rotten teeth, but our parents consoled us that they would fall out like that because we were still green baby teeth.

Take a look at the gallery, which will awaken true Southern nostalgia in you!

We enjoyed being with the horns cookies and ponies chased around the park as she twirled on the playground jump rope or when the cutest girls were stretched rubber twister, but we got the most tired in ravbars and gendarmes, which we played until night fell over the city.
If we got home in time, we caught the series on TV A better life, or even better – a movie Marathoners run a lap of honor! Our comrade too Tito was a big, big movie buff. He arranged a mini in the basement of the White House movie theater and had his own cinematographer who rolled film for him every day. If he chose a film that Tito had already seen, Tito immediately reminded him of it.

Sometimes dad and mom had to have the TV to themselves and they watched Written off, and especially enjoyed watching it When he sings that over there, Battle of the Neretva, Sutjeska. That's when we locked ourselves in our room and on tape recorder listened to any of Yugotons cassettes – Electric orgasm, White Button, Pharaoh and Young lions.

Those were years,” many say. Yes that's true. It was the glorious eighties that we all love to talk about. Both younger and slightly older. Our uncle always likes to tell how they got to Nobel Flag took the car to Italy to buy it jeans. Such as carrots and with a high waist. They suited mom and dad so well. And blouses with frills, oversized jackets, brightly colored fashion accessories and hairstyles with as much volume as you wanted. The ladies came up with something new every now and then permanently, and my father liked to smoke some hard work.

Do you still remember Yugoslavian fashion? You can see the fashion gallery from the "old days" here!

Computers and mobile devices, which now, as I write this, sound incredibly modern, we never dreamed of. Sila advanced seemed to us "do it yourself". a phone made of two yogurt pots, at the bottom of which you made a hole and connected them with a string. Really crazy! At school, we all had almost the same notebooks, but the best of all seemed to be the quasi ones crayons, in which you changed a miniskirt by pulling it out from the bottom and getting another one, and then pushing the rest back between the other multi-colored miniskirts at the top.

From multi-colored crayons, ice cream in a ball, Wolf wolf from the Olympic Games in Sarajevo, Royal Rex Chair or deck chair, on which we slept in kindergarten, until collection stickers for a wide variety of albums, Monopoly, where we shopped Jahorina, and chewing gum Softy. Viki cream for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner. Pippi and Fructal juice in a "bag" for thirst, Vitamin C candies and Kraš's Bajaders and Griots, which our mothers are still immensely happy with today. Oh, it's been years! These were sweet and memorable flavors Yugonostalgia.

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