

Ljubljana is richer for a pleasant bar, where function and idea combine. The abbreviation TOZD used to stand for the Basic Organization of United Work, today it stands for the Refined Design Factory. The TOZD team took care of the pleasant atmosphere and interior. The furniture and objects are mostly second-hand, which are...

Basic information
Gallus embankment 27
Mon.–Sun. from 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m
(040) 699 453

Ljubljana is richer for a pleasant bar, where function and idea combine. The abbreviation TOZD used to stand for the Basic Organization of United Work, today it stands for the Refined Design Factory. The TOZD team took care of the pleasant atmosphere and interior. The furniture and objects are mostly second-hand items that have been given a completely new purpose or simply reinforced their old ones. We can treat ourselves to excellent coffee that supports the principle of fair trade. In this way, we will be able to try organic coffee from different continents, while knowing that our cup has contributed to the better welfare of its producers, since the number of intermediaries has been reduced to a minimum. We will explore domestic, Slovenian wines, which are quite high-quality. Sandwiches, savory and sweet pies, muffins, hedgehogs and other delicious snacks are supplied by the company Gostilna dela, which is based on a correct and balanced diet without excessive use of sugar and fat, full of fiber, vitamins and minerals. There is also a library that operates on the principle of "bring and take away". We can bring the book and exchange it for another one, without membership fees or late fees. A photo wall adorns the interior, where we can find black and white photos by local photographers. If we particularly like one, we can also buy it. Evening events will further enrich our everyday life. In short, everyone in TOZD!

Pula estate

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