
Spiky - spiky shower curtains that force you to stop showering after four minutes

Spiky is a spiky shower curtain.

Humans are incorrigible. Although we convince ourselves that we are ecologically aware, little by little we sin in all directions. One such sweet vice is showering. All we really need is a few minutes, but we like to stay in the shower much longer. Since it's not a long shower, let them preach to us about environmental awareness. Well, if it doesn't go well, it will go badly, thought Elisabeth Buecher, who invented Spiky, a spiky shower curtain that "spikes" you after four minutes of showering and forces you to end the shower willy-nilly.

Spiky is a smart way to save water. You don't need special filters, you don't need to break down walls for new equipment, you just need to equip the shower cabin with special ones spiky shower curtains, which turns her into a "green warrior", as the author says Elisabeth Buecher. I close the curtain after four minutes of showering spines grow (which are filled with air) that take up your space and force you to stop wasting water unnecessarily in a somewhat intrusive but definitely convincing way.

READ MORE: Which is better? Morning or evening shower?

The end of the shower indefinitely.
The end of the shower indefinitely.

Unfortunately, spiky shower curtains are not made for commercial purposes, but rather to "sting" us and start a debate about more efficient and economical use of water.

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