
If these 7 things affect you, you may be a truly spiritual person

If these 7 things affect you, you may be a spiritually gifted person

Some types of talent are more obvious than others. Likewise, certain types of talents are more desirable than others in a certain socio-cultural context. The abilities of spiritually gifted people certainly remain more unnoticed than, for example, the achievements of a computer expert. So perhaps many spiritually wise people do not know that they are above average smart in the field of spirituality. How to get to the bottom of it? Spiritually gifted people are influenced by these 7 things - if this happens to you, you might be a truly spiritually gifted person.

Spiritually gifted people are influenced by these 7 things. Can you recognize yourself among them?

The change of the moon

The influence of the moon is strongest in the new moon and during the full moon. Spiritually gifted people have trouble sleeping at this time.

During this time, they often cannot sleep
During this time, they often cannot sleep

Time between 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning

This time is also known as the "witching hour". That's when magic is said to be at its strongest. Spiritually gifted people often wake up at this time.

The animals around them are unusually curious

Animals have better developed certain senses. They quickly sense spiritually gifted people and are very curious around them.

They have a special bond with animals
They have a special bond with animals

Their emotions affect their physical surroundings

Spiritually gifted people often experience very strong emotions. Sometimes their emotions also affect the physical environment - cats start behaving strangely or the electricity in the apartment keeps breaking.

They are often addressed by foreigners

Spiritually gifted people are approached by foreigners much more often than the rest of the population. What is probably even more characteristic is that these foreigners often look strange.

They sense a change in the weather

Have you ever felt that the weather was about to change, even though there were no obvious signs of it yet? This is one of the abilities of spiritually gifted people.

They feel negative energy

These people are the best energy and atmosphere radar. If there is even a hint of negative energy in the room, they will feel it immediately.

Spiritually gifted people feel negative energy
Spiritually gifted people feel negative energy

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