
Spotify is now available in Slovenia, and with it also Instagram Music!

Spotify Slovenia - but we got it!

Spotify, the most popular subscription service for streaming audio content in the world, is now also available in Slovenia!

Community Spotify, which unites more than 286 million listeners worldwide, of whom 130 million are subscribers to the Premium service, will provide the best experience of listening to domestic and international music in Slovenia - more than 50 million songs and one million podcasts.

Spotify Slovenia - but we got it!
Spotify Slovenia - but we got it!

Service Spotify is available for free or with the option of upgrading to Spotify Premium, a subscription service that allows you to enjoy music without interruptions (€5.99 per month). Subscription package Premium Family is available for 9.99 euros for up to six family members living under the same roof. The new Spotify package Premium DUO (€7.99) is a subscription aimed at couples and includes Duo Mix, an auto-renewing playlist of music that you and your loved one will enjoy together - so there's hardly any disagreements at home about what who will be the DJ. The price of the subscription package Premium for Students will be 2.99 euros per month.

Spotify will renew the music experience for Slovenia with a fresh set of exclusive features, such as: llocalized music recommendations and discovery, podcasts, Spotify for Artists, Spotify for Podcasters and so on activating music on Instagram. Slovenian Instagram users will now be able to activate the long-awaited function of music stories on Instagram. The function will thus enable the sharing of artists, albums and playlists in Instagram "stories".

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