
Spring Cleaning Your Mind: 9 Effective Ways to Banish Toxic Thoughts

Incredibly effective spring cleaning of toxic thoughts.

Over time, a bunch of thoughts accumulate in your mind that no longer belong in your present and cause you unnecessary worries. They don't let you live the life you want.

Cleanse yourself of toxic, superfluous thoughts in 9 simple ways.

1. Don't worry about what other people think

The moment you allow someone else's opinion to influence the way you live is the moment you give up your ability to be authentic. Your self-expression is one thing in this crazy world that you have control over. Be the person you want to be. Do the things you want to do. Overcome the fear of doubt. People will always talk, whether you bother about it or not, so…

2. Accept the fact that you are not perfect

No one is perfect and there will always be someone out there who is a little bit better than you - there's nothing wrong with that. Find new ways for personal growth, in this way you will build your self-image and become an even better version of yourself.

3. If you do your best, that's enough

You may not always be the best, but you can be the best – for yourself. The feeling of working hard for something and being rewarded for it gives you satisfaction. But sometimes hard work won't bring the desired results, so remember that you did your best and that's enough! You have achieved amazingly and whatever the result, be proud of yourself. Allow yourself this because you deserve it.

4. You don't attribute your success to luck

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." – Seneca.
There is a lot of truth in this thought. Your achievements have nothing to do with luck, but a lot to do with the work and determination you put into achieving your goals every day. You have earned your success, be proud of it!

If you try your best, that's enough.

5. Allow yourself to fail

We often think of success and failure as two opposites. We very rarely have one without the other. Failure is on the list of ingredients for success.

Mix in a quarter cup of failure, one tablespoon of confusion and doubt, a little salt and pepper, bake at 450 and you've got something that tastes like victory in the end. There is nothing wrong with failing as long as you allow failure to be a catalyst for growth.

6. Positive affirmations will only work if you believe in them

You can look in the mirror and tell yourself you love yourself 100 times a day, but if you don't actually believe your words, they won't make you feel better. Nothing will change. So, don't repeat positive words without believing in them. Trust them.

7. Let life flow naturally and not by command

Life doesn't always go the way you planned. You tend to adapt more to everyone else's standards and lives than to your own. There's nothing wrong with not buying a house at 25 or getting married at 35. Life doesn't unfold in a linear fashion, it takes curves and the sooner you realize and accept that, the easier it will be to breathe freely.

8. Be kind to your body

Everything you put into your body directly affects how you feel, emotionally and physically, but you shouldn't treat your body well just by eating. Be kind to your body, don't hate it like it's your worst enemy. Most people don't fully love their bodies, and we're all insecure at times. Focus on the parts of yourself that you like. Your body takes you through life every day, so show it more love.

9. Spend time with people who make you happy

Don't give all your positive energy to someone who doesn't appreciate it. When it comes to relationships, the exchange should be balanced. You can't keep trying to make someone happy if they don't bring you enough happiness in return. Be with people who love you unconditionally instead of those who take your love for granted.

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