
Wednesday's fairy-tale hour in the sign of fathers

Greetings to all lovers of beautiful stories! On the occasion of Father's Day (June 18), we decided in the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom that the Saturday fairy hour will be held in the name of fathers. This time we will read two short stories, namely Medvedka Metka - Zvezdica za očka and Smurchuh.

Important information
children's bookstore Kres pod gradom, Krekov trg 2 (in the Puppet Theater building, entrance on the right side of the building, opposite the funicular), Ljubljana, , Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Greetings to all lovers of beautiful stories!

Ob dnevu očetov (18.6.) smo se v otroški knjigarni Kres pod gradom odločili, da bo sobotna pravljična urica potekala v znamenju očkov. Tokrat bomo prebrali kar dve zgodbici in sicer Medvedka Metka – Zvezdica za očka in Smrčuh.

Mala medvedka Metka in očka medved opazujeta zvezdice na nočnem nebu. Kot lučke v temi so. Ko mora v posteljo, pa zvezdic ni več in Metko je strah. Na srečo pa iznajdljivi očka najde rešitev.

Zjutraj se skozi fantkovo sobo pritihotapi pošast, odkoraka v kopalnico, nato razmeče kuhinjo in na koncu obleži na kavču v dnevni sobi. Le kdo je to?

All children from three to ten years of age and everyone else who would be interested in the event are cordially invited!

Your Kres pod gradom bookstore team

contact: 041 338 808

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