
Stack Alba – the first smart light bulb that responds to the environment itself

Light has always been the source of life. We people built our days around her, let her into apartments and looked for her extensions when she left us. After the fire came the lamps, after the lamps the light bulbs, after the light bulbs the smart light bulbs and after the Stack Alba smart light bulbs. A smart bulb 2.0 that responds to changing conditions and provides ideal conditions without our management.

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Stack Alba she is not "just" smart (there are already enough of those), but she is intelligent light bulb, as it has built-in sensors for ambient light with the help of which it responds and adapts to given situations and keeps it appropriate brightness and warmth/color of light, without wasting it unnecessarily. This not only keeps the electric meter on the reins, but also complements the mood, when e.g. broadcast during the day when we are active cold light and warm, when we relax in one way or another.

Does the morning light blind you too? Alba will make sure that the first contact with light after sleep is gentle.
Does the morning light blind you too? Alba will make sure that the first contact with light after sleep is gentle.

Motion sensors they further contribute to a lower electricity bill, as Alba knows when it can be turned off (when no one is in the room). Is this end of switches?

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At the same time, the light bulb communicates with the application on our smartphone and we can match it with alarm clock, to wake us up gently, like a sunrise. Because learns quickly, will soon start executing our commands automatically.

By using it, you will be on an annual basis saved honey 530 and 560 euros compared to a classic light bulb.

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