
Stand up for yourself! Don't be afraid of your inner voice! Become confident!

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Fear cannot be without hope, nor hope without fear, wrote Baruch Spinoza. This is also why it is important to listen to your inner voice and talk about what you feel!

If you want to succeed, if you want to change your life, if you want to truly achieve your dreams, you must not be afraid of your inner voice. Don't be afraid to speak up and ask for what you want or demand what you deserve.

You mustn't be afraid to stand up for yourself. You have to use your voice because that is your power. This is your weapon against any injustice or disrespect.

If you want to shine, stop being afraid of your talent. Stop hiding it inside. Stop being afraid of criticism or what people think. Stop thinking how perfect it should be before you show it.

Don't be afraid to take the first step because you don't know where it will lead you. You're not here just to pass by. You are not here to do as little as possible. You are not here to live, as if you have no say in how your life goes, or what kind of life you should live.

If you want to find true love, don't keep bad feelings inside every time someone misbehaves or hurts you. Stop keeping things inside, communicate because you don't want to lose this person.

Don't speak without thinking because you don't know what kind of mess your words will create. This is actually a test to see how much someone wants you or what their true intentions are. Because some people only love you as long as it's their way, but when you want things to go your way for a change - that's when you'll see their true colors.

Your voice won't always be heard, and you may not get the results you want with words, but believe me, nothing kills you more than silence, especially when it comes to things that are important to you.

Nothing hurts like knowing your words could make a difference, so that they could bring you more happiness or save you pain. Nothing hurts more than knowing you have a powerful voice that you didn't use when you had the chance.

Don't let anyone tell you that your voice doesn't matter or that it won't change anything, because it can and it will. Eventually it will be heard and people will listen to you. Eventually, your life will depend only on you, and then your voice will be your power.

Stop being afraid of your voice. Stop being afraid of how far it can take you and how much words can change your life.

Stop being afraid of your voice and learn how it should be - your favorite sound.

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