
The Stark Mobility electric board that is different from other electric boards

Stark Mobility electric board

The Stark Mobility electric board changes the concept of electric boards known so far. Until now, we've managed these through hand-held controls. Stark Mobility has drawn the cross on this and they have designed a skateboard that is controlled using its own tilt.

Stark Mobility is another one of start-ups and comes from Berlin. Their desire was to remove the clumsy acceleration and deceleration effects caused by the remote control from the electric skateboard. With help gyroscope and sensors they succeeded in doing so. Two electric motors will accelerate or decelerate alone, when the corresponding sensors will detect the movement and weight on the skateboard. The skateboard can reach speed up to 32 km/h and we can drive with it up to a 21-kilometer distance. It is available for safe driving at night LED light, which will make you visible and especially safe in traffic. There is also a skateboard dust resistant and water, and with this, the autumn weather will not be a problem either.


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