
Steve Casino and his peanut shell art

Art from peanuts

Peanuts, nuts that are not, also known as groundnuts, are a very useful plant, as we use them in cooking and nutrition, as well as for oil extraction. But if most of the world labeled this nut as a treasure in the shell, where the treasure is the core, Steve Casino discovered his treasure right in their shell, which he turns into small works of art or installations.

Peanuts they are not only good for health, their useful value is also elsewhere. An artist Steve Casino he played with them in a peculiar way. He used them as an artistic material and also as a canvas. In three years, he has already created over 223 peanut artwork, including a dozen Game of Thrones characters commissioned by the music television network MTV to promote the 5th season of the said series.

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Game of Thrones characters as peanuts.
Game of Thrones characters as peanuts.

What else ended up on the peanut shells, take a look in the photo gallery below.

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