
Stop comparing yourself to couples from social networks: 4 reasons why!

Photo: Envato

Social networks have many good features - we can stay in touch with friends who live far away from us, quickly get information and develop our hobbies. However, they are also fraught with dangers, and one of them is that we start comparing ourselves and our relationship to the perfect, unrealistic photos we see every day. Here are 4 reasons why you need to stop doing this as soon as possible.

1. You only see what people want to show you

If you spend too much time on social networks, you will soon start to wonder if you are the only one, facing problems. The lives and relationships of the others are what they look like perfect: no falls and defeats, no arguing and wondering whether to continue with the relationship, just wonderful romantic gestures, dinners and travels. Is the reality really like that?

You have to be aware that everyone only posts on social networks what they want the world to know about them, and these are their victories and the most beautiful moments. The reason you won't see couples' fights on Instagram is because they don't want you to see them, not because they wouldn't happen. Anyone can make their life and relationship look perfect on the internet if they want to, so don't let these photos fool you.

Don't let social media fool you Photo: Bruno Emmanuelle / Unsplash

2. You will stop appreciating what you have

If we constantly compare ourselves with others, we will quickly get the feeling that what we have ourselves it's not enough. Instead, you have to accept that it will always found by someone, who will have a better job, a bigger house, will look better than you…. and that it doesn't mean you can't be proud to what you have.

The most important thing in a relationship is that you can each other they trust, on each other get carried away and to share immense love and not what kind travels are going away, what kind presents give to each other, etc. If you have a partner with whom you have a healthy relationship, there's no reason to want something that someone else has—especially since you have no way of knowing what their relationship is in real life.

3. Every relationship is something special

You have to realize that every relationship is a story unto itself and yes not even two they are not the same. There is nothing wrong if your relationship it doesn't look like it just like they are on social networks represented relations of others – the only thing that matters is that they are happy you two to each other they are listening and they spend their days like this you two want and not in the way you're getting the feeling it would morality.

Spend time the way you both want Photo: Maria Ovchinnikova / Pexels

4. Comparison harms your mental health

Many experts point out how harmful is to compare one's life with the lives of others and how bad influence he can have it on yours mental health. Especially when it comes to relationships, comparison can lead to looking for problems where there are none and consequently quarrels, if you get the feeling that something is missing from you.

Instead of social networks, listen ourselves and your needs: just because your relationship isn't perfect doesn't mean it's doomed. Perfections you won't find it outside of social networks nowhere.

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