
Stop looking for love: let it find you!

"Your job is not to look for love, but to find the door through which love can enter." –Eckart Tolle

We are not prepared for most of the things that happen to us in life. Our existence is random and unpredictable. Inconveniences happen, things come together to fall apart, but we still find a way to move on with life. In ourselves and in our trembling thoughts we find the hidden strength to move forward, even though we don't know what will happen, what could go wrong next.

We have our past. That's all we know for sure. The future is a blank, unwritten sheet of paper, many things will be written on it, both good and bad.

One of the good things we hope will happen to us is love. We are bound by love. We need her. We are made of love, it is part of our nature: to love and be loved. Many people search for love all their lives.

Some find their person, many don't. Those who haven't start comparing themselves to random people they've never met but have found love.

You start to wonder why you can't find love, why you, are you really never going to find it? On the other hand, you convince yourself that you are broken and unwanted and unlovable. You make a mental list of why you're single right now and go back to the reasons you're lonely and aching with sadness rather than the reasons you're happy. Vicious circle.

You don't know what will happen in the future. You are constantly caught in fear and surprised and blinded by what is happening. You assume that if you don't know what will happen, why would you believe that love will be any different?

Love will find you by itself, don't look for it.
Love will find you by itself, don't look for it.

Believe me, love will find you when you least expect it. Some call it fate, that what is meant is written in the stars. Others say it is the workings of the universe. No matter what forces are behind the emotion called love, you have to trust that it is there for you.

You can't plan love. It's not a formula. It's not science. There's no reason why she didn't come until now. Maybe you always thought you should be somewhere else with someone else, but the truth is that you are right where you need to be, right here, right now. This moment.

Let everything go. Let it all fall apart. And most importantly, let it be what it is. Let yourself go. Don't stay in relationships that you know deep down aren't good for you. Don't look for love where it isn't returned. Stop scrolling through dating apps because you feel like you have to have someone by your side so you don't know how to live.

Live your life instead. Love will follow you. It's always like that. Give it time and stop looking for it, because love finds you and not the other way around.

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