
Strange facts about the human psyche that are not even found in textbooks

Strange facts about the human psyche that are not even found in textbooks.

If you have few friends, chances are your IQ is very high. 80 % of our conversation consists of defamation. In such a percentage, our thoughts are also negative. Yes, the human mind is full of surprises.

Scientists constantly they study the brain and learn about new patterns of human behavior. And the surprising thing is, yes the number of new discoveries is increasing. We have collected some of the most interesting ones facts about the human psyche, which can help you figure out who you are.

People with a high intelligence quotient (IQ) have few friends.

People with high IQ have few friends.
People with high IQ have few friends.

When our ancestors were engaged in hunting and gathering, it was friendship important for the survival of the tribe, as certain tasks were easier to perform in a group than individually. And in recent studies have found scientists, that people with high IQ's don't need many friends. This happens because because their brains are engaged in many thought processes that leave them with no time for casual conversations.

But scientists at the same time they determine, Yes friendship has a positive effect on people's psychological and health conditions. That's why it's better to make time for friends and yourself sometimes talk to interesting people.

If you have depression, you perceive colors differently.

People who have depression, it is often said that life has lost its colors. It is not merely an expression, but also medical fact. If you are depressed, the retina of your eye becomes less sensitive to colors and therefore cannot distinguish between them.

Fatigue can stimulate creativity.

Fatigue can stimulate creativity.
Fatigue can stimulate creativity.

If you want to think creatively, it's better to that's what you do when you're tired. Then yours the brain otherwise works less efficiently, but that means yes they don't reject ideas that seem crazy at first glance and say NO to them.

Do not tell anyone about your plans, otherwise you will not fulfill them.

If you decide to you will start doing something (exercise, study), don't trust anyone with your plans, otherwise you won't do anything. When you talk about your plans, your brain perceives this task as DONE, and it's hard to convince them that you also have to pass it.

80 % of our conversation consists of defamation.

80 % of our conversation consists of defamation.
80 % of our conversation consists of defamation.

Our conversations consist of slander – men and women are equally prone to it. It should be in our conversations slander included in as many as 80 percent. But that shouldn't be bad, as defamation helps people maintain social connections.

You can buy happiness.

people say that it is impossible to buy happiness, but psychologists claim that you actually can, but you shouldn't waste money on yourself, but for your relatives, friends or give it to charity. When we bring joy to others, thus we improve our self-esteem, we are happier and more satisfied with our lives.

20 seconds is enough to gain trust.

20 seconds is enough to gain trust.
20 seconds is enough to gain trust.

If you want to gain trust, se you must hug the person for at least 20 seconds. Trust is established because of oxytocin, a hormone that is released when we feel safe.

80 % your thoughts are negative.

Every day in our head is lined up from 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts. Our brain is more powerful than any computer. However, it is 80 % of our negative thoughts. And most of these negative thoughts are repeated every day.

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