
Subtle signs that your partner is lying: from touching your neck to covering your mouth

Body language is what betrays a liar.

How do you know if your partner is lying to you? According to body language experts Nick Davis and Sophie Zadeh there are some very subtle signs to look out for.

If your partner rubs his nose, touches his neck or closes his eyes, it is very likely that he is not telling you the truth. Most people use little white lies in their daily lives and it's kind of acceptable, but when it comes to a partner, honesty is essential.

They discovered five signs to look out for when trying to figure out if your partner is lying to you.

1. Touching the ear

A liar will subconsciously try to block out the sound of the lie he is telling you by holding his ear. Or he'll grab your ear to distract you from the fact that he's breaking eye contact and looking past you while talking. Your partner may also pull or bend their ear, which may mean that they have heard enough and don't want to continue the conversation. If your interlocutor quickly touches the earlobe or the back of the ear during a conversation, it means that his words are not the most sincere.

2. Touching the nose

If he gently rubs under his nose while his fingers are over his mouth, it means he is trying to cover up the lies he is telling you. So if a person touches their nose, they are most likely lying. It is very easy to tell the difference between touching your nose, which is caused by itching, and touching your nose, which happens when you tell a lie. If someone has an itchy nose, they have to scratch it, while a very light touch to the nose cannot relieve the itch in any way.

What are the subtle signs that your partner is lying?

3. Covering the mouth

This gesture is common in people who lie to themselves, in such a way that they unconsciously want to silence what they are saying. Covering their mouths seems to be related to a desire to stop lying words from coming out of their mouths. Either way, covering the mouth, either with just one or two fingers or the entire palm while speaking, definitely means that the person speaking is not being completely sincere. This gesture is sometimes disguised by a fake cough.

4. Touching the neck

Some touch their collar or scratch their neck while lying. This may be because the liar experiences a tingling sensation in the neck and face and feels hot or sweaty when lying. You will recognize a liar if you see him scratch his neck just below the earlobe about five times while speaking.

5. Rubbing and closing the eyes

A final tip on how to tell if your partner is lying to you is to observe if they close their eyes or look away when they are talking to you. Men will try to rub their eyes hard if the lies they tell are big. While women are more likely to rub under their eyes and look up, she says research

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