
Nothing breaks such people anymore: 9 signs that you have matured spiritually

Photo: Yoann Boyer/Unsplash

You may have noticed some changes in your life and way of thinking, but you don't know where they came from or why. Don't be afraid - some things are an indication that you are growing and progressing spiritually!

What are the signs that you are spiritually matured and that nothing will break you again?

1. Your consciousness is expanding.

Until recently, you were part of the crowd, you lived in your favorite pub, followed the news daily, went shopping... Now it seems that all of that has blown away. Lately you are no longer interested in this to such an extent, it seems that you have lost interest in such matters, but there has been an interest in new ones - where is the world going, are we going to destroy it, how can we save it, is this even possible? You feel more compassion for people and animals, injustice hurts you more... You feel like you are no longer part of the crowd, but you think differently.

2. You've stopped defining everything.

You no longer feel the strong need to define everything - every thing, every person or event, put it in a group or otherwise "label" it. You began to realize that experiences are subjective and not everyone can experience them in the same way as you. You don't expect so much from others anymore and you don't get tired of it.

3. Notice every detail.

More intensively than before, you notice a person's mood, motives, reasons, changes in energy in the room, changes in the weather... If someone has a secret motive or is lying to you, you will feel it in their voice. You are aware that people are frightened by the fact that others can (read) them, so you keep many of the things you notice to yourself.

 You began to realize that experiences are subjective and not everyone can experience them in the same way as you.
You began to realize that experiences are subjective and not everyone can experience them in the same way as you.

4. You don't belong in the world around you.

For example, you go to work, sit at the computer from 08:00 to 16:00 and feel that it is destroying your soul, that it is sucking the life out of you. But it's not your work that's to blame, it's the people around you. It is very tiring for you to listen to superficial conversations and work, the thought of the annual work party is a nightmare for you. You'd rather be at home, reading books, watching a good movie... You're just not on the same wavelength as most of the people around you, but you can't isolate yourself from them, and it makes you tired.

5. You prefer to go to nature.

It seems that nature is calling you and it is difficult to resist this call. When someone gives you a choice between a nature walk or shopping and drinking, you will choose the former without hesitation. This does not mean that you do not enjoy shopping or socializing, but that you have entered a spiritual phase where you spend more time alone, surrounded by peace and the sounds of nature. In this way, you are filled with positive energy, and your mind is cleansed of all the negativity that stagnates in it.

6. You lose friends.

This is not so strange when you consider the fact that you have changed. Now you know exactly who you are and what you want. The people around you have noticed the change and that is why some of you are drifting away. On the other hand, new people who are on the same wavelength as you and with whom you will feel good and fulfilled will begin to enter your life.

You lose friends but gain new ones that make you feel fulfilled.
You lose friends but gain new ones that make you feel fulfilled.

7. You are a bit confused.

All these changes that have happened to you and are still happening have brought confusion into your head. Your soul has experienced the most changes. The mind is so full of endless struggles, boredom, frustrations... But no matter how exhausting it can be, it is good for your spiritual progress and search for peace. You have shed your past and healed old wounds. You are becoming freer, but your ego is not happy about it, so it tries to sabotage the spiritual path you are walking. These are actually his last tremors and therefore nothing to worry about.

8. You have a keen sense of humor.

When your mind sees no drama, but peace reigns in it, then you are decent enough to laugh at every thing and every person and clearly see the funny side of the absurdity of this world.

9. No one can spoil your mood.

You understand the meaning of your life and can control your thoughts. That's why people can't ruin your mood like they used to. They can no longer influence your positive energy with their negative energy. You go through life calmly no matter what!

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