
The Open Book Suite: bookseller by day, guest by night

The Open Book apartment/bookstore

Guests staying in the Scottish suite The Open Book are given the chance to manage the bookstore on the ground floor during their stay. The apartment is located in the village of Wigtown in Scotland, and an overnight stay for two people costs 35 euros per night. But the rent includes not only hosting in the apartment, free internet and laptop, but also running a bookstore, where you have to do everything a full-time bookseller does and work the same number of hours a week.

The Book Shop at 2 High Street, Wigtown, must be open 40 hours a week, and how you arrange them is completely up to you," reads the description on the website Airbnb, where you can rent this apartment with a unique clause. Normally only breakfast is included in the extras, but here the mandatory 40 hours of bookshop management per week is also included. ”We suggest that you specify such schedule, which best suits your itinerary. We hope you explore the area and enjoy what it has to offer," we read further on Airbnb.

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While vacationing in The Open Book apartment, you also run a bookstore.
While vacationing in The Open Book apartment, you also run a bookstore.

You are book Worm? Then The Open Book in Wigtown is more than the perfect choice for your next holiday destination. It is the only such offer in the world, besides temporary ownership of the bookstore and a laptop is available for you, free of charge Wi-Fi and bicycles. For more information, please contact Airbnb.

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