
Summer recipe: Dessert with less than 100 calories

Watermelon frosting

A dessert that has less than a hundred calories? Yes, that is also possible. We discovered a low-calorie summer dessert that refreshes and satisfies the need for sweets. Here is the recipe for watermelon frosting, our favorite dessert this summer…

The fruit season, which we have been waiting for all winter, is finally in full swing. So that you don't just eat refreshing watermelon in the form of cubes and triangles, here is a recipe for watermelon ice cream, which, with less than a hundred calories, is one of the low-calorie, but still extremely tasty desserts.

Recipe for watermelon frosting:


  • 2 cups diced pitted watermelon
  • a few leaves of fresh mint
  • ½ cup ice
  • juice of ½ lemon
  • ½ frozen banana

Instructions for preparation:
Blend watermelon, ice, mint, banana and lemon juice in an electric blender. Pour into a glass and enjoy.

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