
Sunscreen stains: How to remove yellow stains from clothes left behind by sunscreen?

Yellow spots of sunscreen

Rumeni madeži sončne kreme
Photo: envato elements

Ah, summer. Time for long days at the beach, picnics in the park and... yellow stains on your favorite white linen robe? Yes, it's that sunscreen you so dutifully apply to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Ironic, isn't it? What protects your skin is actually the enemy of your clothes. Yellow sun cream stains - how to remove them?!

Sun screen he's like that friend you invite to a party because you know he'll make it a good time, but ends up spilling red wine all over your new white carpet. And just like with red wine, with sunscreen, acting quickly is key. Yellow sunscreen stains, so how do we go about removing them?

Photo: envato elements

So how do we tackle this yellow criminal?

Pre-wash: Wash the criminal with cold water: First tackle the stain with cold water. Do not use detergent, only cold water. It's like first aid for blemishes.

Using the pre-wash stain remover: A friend in need! Apply a pre-wash stain remover or liquid detergent to the stain. It's like calling a friend who is an expert stain remover. “Hey, I have this yellow spot… Yep, sunscreen again. Can you help?”

Using lemon juice and salt: A natural solution. It's more home method for stain removal. Apply to the stain lemon juice and salt, leave on overnight, then wash the garment as usual. It's like using grandma's old stain removal tricks.

Use of mild household soap: Apply mild household soap and hot water to sunscreen stains. Let it soak in for a few hours. Then rub the stains with your hands or with a brush. Then wash the garment once or twice.

Using the dishwasher rinse aid: Yellow sun cream stains can also be removed well with dishwasher detergent. Apply the product to the stain and let it soak in overnight. Then wash the garment in the washing machine as usual.

Apply dish detergent or shampoo to the stain: Dish detergent is a real grease remover, and sunscreen is often oil-based. Apply dish detergent to sunscreen stains. Let it soak in a bit, then put the garment in the washing machine.

Use the sun for sunscreen stains on white clothing: You've tried all the tips, but you can still see it on your white clothes sunscreen stains? Place the garment in strong sunlight immediately after washing. The sun has a bleaching effect. Stains disappear completely.

And voila! Yours white linen robe it's like new again, ready for the next one summer adventure. Of course, sunscreen will be invited to the party again. After all, despite its flaws, it's still key to protecting our skin. Just maybe we'll control her a little more next time.

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