
A baby elephant

SWEETENING BEFORE THE PLEASURES ON THE WHITE SLOPESBefore you go sledding on the snowy slopes of Gorenje, stop by Slonček in Kranj. Order hot bananas, drizzled with honey, sprinkled with cinnamon, "cakes" with vanilla ice cream and covered with a white tip of cream, or hot raspberries, cherries, strawberries...

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A baby elephant
Kidričeva cesta 2

SWEETENING BEFORE THE PLEASURES ON THE WHITE SLOPESBefore you go sledding on the snowy slopes of Gorenje, stop by Slonček in Kranj. Order hot bananas, drizzled with honey, sprinkled with cinnamon, "cakes" with vanilla ice cream and covered with a white tip of cream, or hot raspberries, cherries, strawberries or berries. Forget the snow and admit to yourself that you like sweets. Treat yourself to a glance or two at the temptations from the sweet closet. For an elegant warm drink, order coffee slončki with the dessert. Sweets that take your breath away are just right for pleasures in the snow. You still have the whole sunny day ahead of you, but if you want to conjure up a crunchy party while sledding, we recommend that you take with you a fruit sin, which will hide forest fruits in white chocolate just for you in the whiteness of the snow. The warm atmosphere in the colonial style is a pleasant place to stop in the company of elephants in paintings, tapestries and their statues. In addition to the selection of hot fruits, the Slonček cafe offers home-made cakes, pies, Indian cakes and slices - a good reason to visit. Coffee elephants are those intoxicating drinks made from coffee beans, barley and spices that belong to sweet temptations. Friendly pretty girls will serve you. While you're waiting for the goodies, browse through magazines and newspapers on the piano and "tune in" to the sweet tooth.


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