
Super Moon Coming Nov. 15: Big trouble on the horizon for some astrological signs

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How will the Super Moon that will shine in the sky on November 15 touch your life? This extraordinary astronomical event will bring powerful energy changes and opportunities for transformation for many.

A supermoon is an astronomical phenomenon that attracts the attention of observers around the world. This term is used to describe the Full Moon when it is at its closest point in its orbit around Earth, making it appear larger and brighter than usual.

What is a Super Moon?

A supermoon sets when the Full Moon appears at its closest point in its orbit around Earth, called perigee. At this moment, the Moon is approx 30,000 kilometers closer to Earth than usual, which causes it to look up to 14 % bigger and up to 30 % brighter as usual. Although these differences are not always visible to the naked eye, this Moon is definitely a remarkable sight to behold.

How often does it occur?

It's not a rare occurrence. It occurs about three to four times a year, depending on the position of the Moon and its orbit around the Earth. This means that sky watchers get the chance to admire this magnificent phenomenon several times a year, but not all Supermoons are equally noticeable. The largest and most spectacular Super Moon occurs when the perigee coincides with the Full Moon in clear weather.

It is important to follow your intuition during this period, as it will lead to the necessary changes and breakthroughs in your life.
participate, or in important social projects.

Beautiful Moon. Photo: Souvenirpixels / Pexels

Aries: Career challenges

It causes significant challenges in the field of career and professional decisions. Conflicts may arise, so you should avoid impulsive reactions. It is necessary to find a balance between work and private life and to maintain calm communication.

Taurus: Opportunities for growth

The Super Moon highlights the need to expand your horizons, whether through education, travel or new life challenges. It's time to step out of your comfort zone and take risks. New opportunities are open for personal growth and long-term benefits.

Gemini: Attention to finances

It illuminates the area of finances and emotional relationships. This is an ideal moment to settle your debts or re-examine your financial investments. It is important to establish stability in your finances and manage your resources properly.

Cancer: Focus on partner relationships

The super moon brings a clear picture of partner relationships. Your emotional needs become more pronounced, which allows you to clearly express your wishes and expectations. This is the right time to clarify misunderstandings and find balance in relationships.

Surrender to the Moon! Photo: Omid Armin / Unsplash

Leo: Health care

It emphasizes the need to take care of health and introduce new, healthier habits. This is the perfect moment to detox and reduce stress. Changes in your daily routine improve your physical and mental well-being.

Virgo: Creative breakthrough

It opens up new momentum in the field of creativity and love relationships. If you are working on a creative project, now is the time to finish it. Open yourself up to the possibilities of expressing your emotions and enjoy life.

Libra: Changes in the domestic environment

The Super Moon highlights changes in family and domestic relationships. The tensions in the family ease, allowing for more harmony. You may feel the need to make changes in your living space or move.

Scorpio: Communication put to the test

It requires caution in communication, as increased sensitivity can lead to misunderstandings. It is important to pay attention to how you express your thoughts. This time is suitable for making agreements and resolving disagreements.

Shine on. Photo: Ali Pazani / Pexels

Sagittarius: Financial opportunities

The Super Moon shines a light on financial challenges and opportunities. Now is the time to consider stabilizing your budget and increasing your financial security. Reshaping your values will help you figure out what is most important to you in life.

Capricorn: Personal transformation

It brings powerful personal changes. This time is ideal for releasing old behavior patterns and setting clear boundaries. The focus is on personal growth and transformation.

Aquarius: Inner introspection

The Super Moon encourages deep introspection. Now is the time to look inward and reflect on your past emotional experiences. Releasing old wounds allows for progress towards spiritual growth.

Pisces: Friendships and Goals

It illuminates social relationships and friendships. It is now clearer who your true friends are and what your goals are for the future. Changes are possible in the groups you participate in or in important social projects.

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