
Surprising facts about snow that you probably don't know

Surprising facts about snow that you probably don't know.

Climate change has begun to show its teeth in our regions as well - the weather has changed to such an extent that we quickly exchange winter for autumn or summer for spring. At the time when we should be sunbathing on the beach, it is raining, but when we are making a snowman, we are admiring the sun. Times have changed and we may even forget about the white blanket, which is not what it seemed to be. She will shock you when you get to know her a little better.

Like children we hunted snowflakes, because we wanted to know how they are to see, but we don't have it succeed, because they are steps, before we studied their form. We thought it was white snow, that you can do everything we catch snowflakes with our tongue and is snow legal in all countries.

yes, we might disappoint you, a time is to look at the snow with another point of view. These are pserious facts about snow, which for sure no you know.

Snow is not white.

Adults we probably already are found out, that snow transparent colors. Snowflakes are made of ice crystals, light but it bounces off just like that, creates the feeling that the snow is white. So white christmas it's not, but it sounds better than 'transparent christmas'.

The snowflake has six sides.

Finding that they have snowflakes six pages, is right science. Water molecules, from which they are made snowflakes, can only combine to create a six-sided ice crystal. So all those snowflakes, which you see in trade, and they have Friday or more pages, they violate the laws of nature.

The snowflake has six sides.
The snowflake has six sides.

Some snowflakes are the same shape.

Just how many more things are there the world, which can be observed with microscope. It was in 1988 Nancy Knight, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, found two snowflakes that were the same shape.

Snow was illegal.

Between the years 1991 and 1992 was a very rich snow season in Syracuse, New York. More than 162 centimeters of snow fell in the city. City council concluded that before Christmas nothing should fall snow, but mother nature she mixed up stiff: two days later it is it snowed, the next one winter but there was more snow.

Fear of snow.
Fear of snow.

Fear of snow.

Some of them people they have fear before snow ‒ we tell him Cynophobia (English chionophobia).

You can't catch all the snowmen.

The biggest snowflake in the world was wide 15 and 'thick' 20 centimeters. She fell into Fort Keogh, Montana in January 1887.

The most snow fell in Italy.
The most snow fell in Italy.

The most snow fell in Italy.

In the city Capracotta in Italy fell the most snow in one day ‒ mIn 2015, more than a meter of snow accumulated in 18 hours.

The biggest snowman.

Everyone we think, that we made in our garden the largest snowman, but we will have to make an effort, that's true we achieve. V Guinness Book of Records he signed up snowman, which is almost 38 meters.

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